Turkish Anchovy Bird (Hamsi Kuşu)

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“Hamsi kuşu” is a traditional Turkish dish, particularly popular in the Black Sea region of Turkey, where anchovies (hamsi in Turkish) are abundant. It is a unique and flavorful dish that involves preparing and cooking whole stuffed anchovies. Here’s recipe of “hamsi kuşu”:

Ingredients for Hamsi Kuşu

  • Ingredients
  • For inside;
  • For fry;

How be made Hamsi Kuşu

  • Step 1

    Finely chop 2 stalks of fresh green onions. Finely chop ½ bunch of parsley. Grate 1 onion and add these ingredients to a deep bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of corn flour, 1 teaspoon of black pepper, and salt, then mix well.

  • Step 2

    To make 1 serving of "hamsi kuşu," you'll use 4 anchovies. Arrange 3 of the filleted anchovies side by side in your hand. Fill the center with the prepared mixture and place the fourth anchovy in the remaining space.

  • Step 3

    Close them tightly with your hands and press lightly to shape them. Pour ½ cup of corn flour into a bowl or plate. Coat the shaped anchovies with corn flour.

  • Step 4

    Heat 1 cup of olive oil in a pan without letting it burn, and fry the corn flour-coated anchovies. Cook on both sides until they are nicely browned.

  • Step 5

    Place a paper towel on the serving plate to absorb excess oil from the anchovies. Transfer the cooked anchovies to the serving plate. You can prepare a parsley and onion salad on the side and enjoy. Enjoy your meal.

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